• Teeth Grinding
    It might seem like you’ve gotten a great night’s sleep—but why aren’t you well rested? Worse, why are you waking up with: A headache Ringing in your ears or an earache Pain in Read more
  • Spring Cleaning
    Just like that, it’s almost summertime. As the spring season ends, perhaps these lighter, brighter days are inspiring you to do a bit of last-minute spring cleaning. Or perhaps they’re Read more
  • Four Great Additions to Your Dental-Healthy Diet
    Calcium from dairy products for strong bones and teeth? Check. Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables for gum health? Check. Protein from lean meats, eggs, and fish to create, maintain, Read more
  • Sippy Cups
    What a milestone! The transition from bottle to sippy cup is one of baby’s first steps toward toddler independence. And like all first journeys, some helpful guideposts come in handy. Read more
  • Make Every Day Earth Day
    Earth Day began in 1970 as an event to raise awareness of our environment. What began as a single day in April is now recognized around the world to bring Read more
  • It's been years since my last appointment; what should I expect?
    Feeling apprehensive or guilty for not visiting a dentist in over a year is common, but coming back to receive dental care is easier than you may think. Our dental Read more
  • April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month
    What is oral cancer? April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. If you have been putting off a visit to our District of Columbia office, now is an excellent time to Read more
  • How can veneers improve my smile?
    the doctor and our team at Columbia Dental know your smile is an important part of your appearance; it can be a source of pride or embarrassment. Everyone deserves beautiful, Read more
  • What should I use to clean my baby’s teeth?
    You might think babies don’t need to brush their teeth, especially when they don’t have any. But by starting good habits like brushing when your child is young, you can Read more
  • St. Patrick's Day
    On March 17, everyone has a little Irish in them. St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous celebration of Irish heritage. The holiday originated as a commemoration of Saint Patrick, who Read more
  • Good Nutrition Leads to Healthy Mouths
    At Columbia Dental, we know the most common oral health diseases are tooth decay and periodontal disease (or gum disease), and both are among the easiest to prevent. One of Read more
  • How many times a day should I floss?
    Flossing is one of the most important parts of your oral care routine. Many patients know they need to do it but find it difficult to fit into their busy Read more
  • Quit Smoking to Save Your Smile
    You have probably counted a hundred reasons to stop smoking. It’s unhealthy. It’s expensive. It annoys the people around you. You have to schedule your day around the next cigarette. Read more
  • The Transformation of Valentine's Day
    Did you know the actions leading to the beginnings of Valentine's Day were actually centered on the avoidance of war? A Catholic priest named Valentine defied the orders of the Read more
  • Proper Brushing Techniques
    Brushing your teeth properly removes the food particles and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. However, you do not want to scrub your teeth or gums Read more
  • Avoid the Emergency Room for Dental Problems
    There are certainly situations when going to an emergency room is the best response for your problem. A severe injury to your mouth, jaw, or face would qualify. However, when it Read more

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